"Experience the Encounter"
"Oh, that You would tear open the heavens and come down... Isaiah 64:1 AMP
Service Times
My Prayer and Hope for you and your family is that you will be blessed and full of Joy as you consider a Church to Visit! I look forward to meeting you and seeing the Power of God's Glory touching Your lives.
Pastor Don Lyon (URC)
Sunday Morning Encounter: 10:30 AM Come out and Experience an Encounter of God's Presence as we connect with His Goodness and Glory! We believe in Responding to His Goodness and Faithfulness with Worship. We believe in the Power and Movement of the Holy Spirit. We believe in the Power of Healing, Miracles and Wonderment that comes from a Kingdom that will never end. We believe in setting a atmosphere that hungers, worships, and honors. We invite you to come out and visit us with Expectation and Hunger to see a movement of His Presence!
Zoom Meetings: Contact Church to see times
About Us
Why We Exist...
Our heart as a church isn't about just having services or having a religious experience with a distant God. Our heart and conviction is to Connect and Encounter with the God of NOW! You may think... that's just semantics, obviously people go to church because they are looking for a religious experience of some sort.
We invite you to consider that Jesus is not looking for a quick one-sided relationship! He's looking for those who will Honor and Connect with the Goodness of His Father and the Power of His Kingdom! We exist to Connect and Encounter the Living God of NOW.
Our Vision and Mission is to see a Movement of God's Presence..."Oh, that You would tear open the heavens and come down." May the Goodness of our Mighty God overtake this community and region. In short, we want the Unshakable and ever advancing Kingdom of God to bring a Movement of Revival and Restoration!
Our Community, Nation and Homes need a God of NOW to deal with real life problems. If you are needing a movement in your life that religion hasn't solved... try an ENCOUNTER.
If you find yourself Hungry for more than just a church experience... We invite you to come out and help us grow and bring a movement of Revival and Restoration to our community. "Restore us to Yourself, Lord, That we may return; renew our days as of old." Lamentations 5:21 NIV
Something To Consider
Are we living up to ALL that the Spirit wants to give us?The Truth is… my heart is heavy for the modern Church. I’m genuinely concerned that we are living far beneath our callings and purposes… especially in this current environment. The church is more than a gathering place, movie night, or a Christian social event. It’s a place of Display and Movement of God's Kingdom.
If there has ever been a need or time for breakthrough… It’s NOW! In the modern Christian mentality, it seems like People have disconnected themselves from the Power and Movements of the Kingdom. Many believe the Power and Movement of God’s Kingdom are for when we die or during some millennial reign. Believing that, dismisses the power of what Jesus taught… preached… lived and declared. Consider this passage… But if I drive out demons by the finger of God, then the kingdom of God has come upon you. “When a strong man, fully armed, guards his own house, his possessions are safe. But when someone stronger attacks and overpowers him, he takes away the armor in which the man trusted and divides up his plunder. Luke 11:20-22 NIVJesus is making it clear…If the power and glories of Heaven are functioning, then the Power of the KINGDOM is HERE and available.
If Kingdom Realities are being utilized and displayed… then DARKNESS is being dealt with.
As the strength and glories of Heaven RULE, Darkness has no Authority or power in them! The purpose of us using and living in Kingdom Realities is to see the glories of God overtake areas and movements of darkness. We are not to sit causally by and give darkness permission to destroy our lives. Let me add this….It’s not that people don’t Love God; it’s more that people don’t really need Him until they are in REAL trouble. Too many times we are asking God to fit into our ways of thinking… and ultimately how we live… think or act. The Power and Glories of God’s Kingdom aren’t a religious exercise… they are the Pathway to living in VICTORY and POWER.
Blessings and LIFE,Pastor Don
Blessings and LIFE,Pastor Don